*Prices are subject to change, please clarify at the time of your service request.
*We have provided a general price range to allow for variability in meeting your need and providing services necessary to give your fur baby the best experience within a predictable price range for you.
*Pricing is based on pet body weight as well as coat type and style/service requested. If you are not sure what your pet needs please feel free to call and speak to one of our friendly staff and we will assist you.

Pet Grooming:

Standard Cut (includes Deluxe Bath) provides a standard prep cut, shampoo, condition, ear cleaning, nail trim, blow dry and polished finish cut. *Exceptional patterned cuts and hand scissoring may incur additional charges and should be clarified prior to your services.

1 to 30 lbs

60.00 – 70.00

31 to 60lbs

75.00 – 80.00

61 to 90lbs

90.00 – 100.00

91 to 120 lbs

100.00 – 120.00

>121 lbs…

let’s talk.

Standard Poodle or Large Doodle:

85.00 – 120.00

Bath time with Shed outs

[medium to long coated breeds](includes Deluxe Bath)

This service is designed for a heavy coated breed, (e.g. Chow, Husky, Collie) and provides the best option to get these coats looking their best.

1 to 60lbs

65.00 – 85.00

61 to 90lbs

85.00 – 100.00

91 to 120 lbs

100.00 – 120.00

>121 lbs…

let’s talk.

BASIC Bath time: Basic includes shampoo, conditioner, ear cleaning, brush and blow dry and nail trim. This service is provided for short coated breeds like dachshunds. dobermans and boxers.

1 to 30 lbs

35.00 – 45.00

31 to 60lbs

45.00 – 55.00

61 to 90lbs

55.00 – 65.00

91 to 120 lbs

65.00 – 75.00

>121 lbs…

let’s talk.

Bath time: Deluxe $5 Add – On

Deluxe is the Basic bath PLUS increased contact time and/or multiple shampoos with soothing, deodorizing, conditioning, medicated or flea shampoo as needed to get the best result for your pet. Our flea shampoo is designed to kill fleas, flea eggs and larvae and is safe for cats, kittens, puppies and dogs and continues to work for 28 days.

Additional notes:

*Anal gland expression can be performed for $5 additional in any grooming service requested.

*Ornery pets resulting in excessive prolonged procedure time may incur additional fees which are prorated at $25 per hour.

* Cantankerous pets demonstrating inappropriate or aggressive behavior may have to return home pending further consultation for behavior management.